About Me

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Anniston, Alabama, United States
My God is #1 in my life! I am serving as youth pastor at Munford Baptist church over the Generation 412 Sr. High student ministry! I am married to Mandy and have two boys. Will and Elijah. I love them so much. They are what keeps me going!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Our Weekend!!

Mandi and I traveled to Pigeon Forge this past weekend for some peace and quiet! We got it for about and hour. We stopped after a little shopping to go eat at Five Guys Hamburgers and they were packed. So, we walked around the corner to another restuarant to eat. I will have to say that this place has the best food, EVER!! So we get in and sit down and all of a sudden we notice the friendly Iron Bowl came on. (now thats a oxymoron)! I thought well it cant be too bad. How many auburn and alabama fans could possibly be in the place! ALL OF THEM!!!!! WTP man, it was so loud! But anywho, we ate and it was amazing!

The entire weekend was an absolute blessing! Mandi and I have not been alone for that long since Will was born. We just needed some peace and quiet, and we got it! My wife is amazing! She is smoking hot and I thank God everyday for her!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

WOW! God is moving!!

Last night was a continuance from sunday morning. "If You Really Knew Me". I have to say that some of the girls opening up and sharing are blowing me away! They really know how to wear a mask.

Whats behind your mask? What if I really knew you? Would I know the real you? I believe that sometimes we are held back from our friends, God's calling, work for God, and our family relationships because we hold so much junk in. Our internal blemishes! There is someone waiting to love you for who you are, not for the mask you are wearing.

My wife has the best mask!! And sometimes I can see right through it. Most of the time I cant. I love her and all her scars, impurities, imperfections, the bruises she leaves on me, (LOLJK). She was made in the image of God and she is covered by the blood of Christ. ILUMS!!

So the next time you think you cant love or cant be loved because of all the crap you have been through or got going, think again!! GOD LOVES YOU!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

If you really knew me....

If you really knew me, you would know that I am not as self confident as people think I am. I am uncomfortable in my body. My weight and my teeth are my two biggest issues. Some people are probably in shock, but yes, I am not the perfect picture of confident. I have always wondered why females are so down on themselves about the way they look. Well, I have discovered that I do the same thing. All my life I have been teased about my weight and I have learned to just deal with it and not let it bother me. I make jokes about it, even about my teeth but I hate they look the way they do. I can get braces, go on a diet and do what I wanna do and there is one thing that i know is for sure, I WILL NEVER BE PERFECT. BUT, there is one truth, I WAS CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF MY GOD!! Genesis 1:27 says  27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Externally, I may look like hot mess! Praise God, Internally, I am a perfect being created in the image of GOD!!! WWWHHOOOOO!!! That's shouting material!

Here's a Thought!!!
How is it that we judge others for their external blemishes when we are all the same internally?

My life right now!

I am blessed, scared to death, and even more blessed. First I am being allowed to lead the greatest student ministry in the world, Generation 412 student ministry, at Munford baptist. BTW, I am preaching on Balaam's donkey tonight. It's gonna be fat!! I have a smoking hot wife, and two amazing sons whom I love very much. Also, I am still playing drums, again. More to come on that. So, I am very blessed.

I am scared because I dont feel worthy of what God has called me to do. I know he takes trash and turns in into treasure and He has done that with me. I guess its that I am scared of failing Him.

So, my head is up my chest is out and I am gonna serve Him with all that I am because He is my Strength!!!

Psalms 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hello World!!

I am back blogging again. I am excited to be leading an awesome group of students and I wanna share it with everyone!! I will be doing some devotionals and lessons. Let me know what you wanna hear!!